Tuesday 26 November 2019

Using Elements' Scene Cleaner

How often do you experience this: a beautiful location but too many people. Thanks to cheap travel this happens a lot - here I am in the World Heritage Sagano bamboo forest on a Monday arvo and it is very busy with people streaming past this vantage point. I waited quite a while for a gap in the traffic and this shot was the best I could get before more tourists came past. So, one neat trick to simplify your shots is to take several snaps of the same scene (but with the walkers all in different places). Once done, open the files into the Guided Edit mode of  Photoshop Elements. once open, you can choose Photomerge Scene Cleaner and follow the steps to remove some of the clutter.
There I was trying to find a shot among the crowds in Sagano and this big boofhead stopped right in front of me!
Too many tourists in Kyoto...

Here's my final scene, cleaned and polished using Photomerge. A quite scene in an otherwise overcrowded world...

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